John is someone who knows how to program during his day job, but it's mostly back-end services and databases.  Ryan is his 11-year-old son who writes some code in Python.

We try and do one of these game jams each year around Thanksgiving time.  This game was made for the "1-Button Jam 2024" .  The rules were pretty simple:  your game has to be playable with a user interface consisting of a single button.  

You can play the game with either the Spacebar or clicking the Mouse.  The whole game is probably at most 5 minutes.

I had fun making this, but with work, then family coming over and being around, I didn't have as much time to work on it.  A lot could be improved.  But it's a complete project, and much bigger in scope than the first game jam I completed, so that's something.  (See our game Balloon Push for the much smaller game we completed for a previous Jam)

For this game, Ryan wrote and created the music himself.  I'm an incredibly proud dad here.  He also did a bunch of the art and animation including some asteroids, the Exploder bugs, and all of the bullets.  Even my 8-year-old daughter Olivia got in on this one - she's made an asteroid and is responsible for the laser sounds.


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Nice game and music! Good team effort :)

As a small addition, maybe you could add a score counter in a score to track progress.

But it's alreay pretty cool, congrats!